Scripture: John 15 I
am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every
branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that
beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
Jesus says He is the True vine and we are the branches, which simple means the Life in Him, the God kind of Life in Him is also the same Life in us. So when we talk about productivity in the life of a believer it is not in the ability of our Human Nature because the same Life in Christ is the same Life in us.
This means if Jesus was not conquered by the grave I and you as a believer you will not be conquered by the grave because the same life that is in Christ is the same Life which is in us.
There is a season in life where we face Friday night just like Jesus where our life is in shame even in that season we have to know that the God kind of life which was in Christ is the same Life that is in us. When Isaiah writes about Jesus He says there was no beauty in Him, as they crucified Him everyone was seeing Him in shame, even in our shame the same life in Christ is the same Life in us.
Friday, Jesus is crucified the Devil celebrates thinking this is the End of Jesus but come Sunday morning, the bible state the resurrection Spirit came and move the rock which was an obstacle Maria and the other Mary couldn’t remove. We can go through the season of betrayal, a season of shame where there is no beauty to show in our lives but the same Life in Christ is the same Life in us.
Let those who want to walk away from us walk, let those who want to speak bad about us speak , Let those who want to put us to shame do it BUT know that our Life doesn’t end in the grave, our life doesn’t end in shame, but the resurrection Spirit is coming to raise us and bring us out of all this for the same life in Christ is the same Life in us , if Jesus didn’t end in shame , tears, so it is with us for the life in the stem, root, is the same Life in the branches.
Now this mean
if there is no productivity in our Life, the problem is not us because we have
the God kind of Nature, Our God operates in Dominion so I also operate in
Dominion. John 15 is very significant , as God is calling us to Emerge , we cannot
become what God want us to be while we still have an identity crisis , that why
Jesus is giving us a new past which is Him as our Stem or root and we are
branches, who we are doesn’t come from people, who were are comes from God, so whatever
Christ is we are, for as He is so are we in this world, if He is in dominion,
so are we, if He is Above were are above, we cannot be defined by the people or
families we come from.
So the braches that are thrown away are branches that are not connected or remaining in Christ. It not about productivity. In fact reading from the Greek ‘taken away’ in verse 2 to is to raise up , which mean every branch that is not fruitful He raises it up , God is simple saying when we’re not producing it not about us or our Nature but it is about the position were in , the vine or grapes when they are down or in a low position they don’t produce or become more fruitful, those with wisdom they find a way to raise them into a higher level, for the vine has more productivity when it is elevated into a higher position
We cannot bear fruits in a low position God is saying if we don’t bear fruits He will elevate us into a higher position where we will bear much fruits.
Things we see as defeats, oppression, and generational challenges it only because we looking at these from a low position, what our ancestors couldn’t conquer it because of the position they were operating in but us our Position in Christ is a Higher Place that something we need to understand, Once we understand it we need to Live it, in a higher place there is no hate, there is no grudges.
As boys sasijwayele kuyoshaya izinyoni, kwakulula kushaya iJuba but ngkhule ngiwumfana ngaze ngamdala singakaze silushaye ukhozi, simple because the Eagle operates in a Higher Level
You might say, I have been trying somany things for many years but know this the problem is not you but the position youre in , God shall move you into a Higher place. God is shifting you into another Level.