Referral Scripture: Zechariah 9:12 (NKJV)12 Return to the stronghold, You prisoners of hope. Even today I declare
That I will restore double to you.

Hope – an attitude of mind that is based on a positive outcome in the midst of negatives.

Zechariah is one of the Prophet who was sent to prophesy on the children of Israel who had lost hope, to tell them about the future, declaring things to come. Normally hope is something seen or needed when you going through hard times and have a reason to carry on while situations are against you.

Nothing is bad as being hopeless, God doesn’t want us to be hopeless, book of Philippians, Ephesians, and Corinthians Paul the Apostle was writing these Epistles being in prison but when you look on his writings you can never tell that the person who is writing this is in prison, on his writings he is giving the believers hope while he himself is in a hopeless situation, giving hope to people who seem to be free compared to him. He even say REJOICE ALWAYS AND AGAIN I SAY REJOICE, He tells people about joy while he is in a place with no joy. 

Hope mean we expect good things while current situations doesn’t agree with us, in the midst of everything seeming to be going wrong but we look and speak a better future. Hope compels a believer to soldier on in the midst of trouble.

In Zechariah 9, the Prophet is giving hope while the current situation of Israel is hopeless that it can change, verse 12 says Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you.
No matter what we go through, we must have hope, and our Hope is in what God can do, Israel is in exile because of their rebellion but when they cried to God He sent them a Prophet that will give them a word of hope that God will return them back to Jerusalem.
Job is another man, his situation is a bit different because no one was speaking positive, encouraging words in his life, at least for the Israelites there were Prophets But for Job there was nobody, it ONLY HOPE that He had inside him.

There is time where in life you will lose every supporting structure, every one that is supposed to be giving you positive words, even prayers seem like God is not hearing them, in the midst of all that we must have hope, be prisoners of hope. Verse 12…’ Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you’  Being a prisoner of hope mean whatever situation we face HOPE WILL ALWAYS BE THERE.

Whatever situation you’re in GOD WILL SHOW UP, stay in hope, there is a better future ahead. Don’t focus on pain but focus on what God can do, look beyond the pain, look beyond the current situation. God will multiply everything we lost, He did it for job, and if He can do it for one He can do it for all of us!

Worship with us Every Sunday 9-12am