SUNDAY 10/04/2016


Scripture Reference
2nd Timothy 1: 7 For God hath not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind

There is Fear and there is a Spirit of Fear , people can Naturaly fear things like frogs, spiders e.t.c but there is fear that is caused by a spirit, the fear that cause people to fear the unknown, to fear things they have not seen, the fear that always think failure in a way that it can stop people to even take steps of faith. Fear is the opposite of faith.

Even giants of faith had those times where fear engulfed them, Genesis 20:2 ( Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister: and Abimelech king of Gerar sent, and took Sarah.) : Abraham denied Sarah as his wife because of fear of what they might do to him knowing a beautiful woman like Sarah was his wife. Jacob was also frighted as he was about to meet Esau , having fear of what He might do to him and his people (Gen32:7)

Even the Disciples on the New Testament they still had that fear if we can recall their time being in the boat. We also found Mary being frightened when the Angel was bringing Good News to her , the Angel was bringing Good News, Good promises of God but she started by being afraid which was causing her not to believe the message the angel brought, she was looking at herself and her status as to who am I to be visited by an angel and with such news.

That is also happening to us as believers, looking at what the word has spoken about us, the promises, the blessings all those things we must own them we must believe God without looking at our current status and backgrounds , what God has said about our lives we have to believe it. It is very important that we do not have fear or see ourselves unworthy to receive or become what God has promised. We need to take away the element of fear.

Fear is one of the enemies of faith, that why we could also see on the book of Joshua 1 God says it will never be possible for Joshua to take Israel to the promise God has set before them if he has fear, even us Christians, with fear we can end up not reaching the destiny God has set for us , including what God has set for our families, Abraham couldn't have been called the father of nations if he was always with fear, he couldn't have left his own country for a promise made by God, going to a place he didn't know just having faith in the Lord

It is when we don’t have fear that we will receive the promises of God , in Universities you will find a faculty that people say haaa this one, science , medicine is not for anyone, it for certain people, but when you trust God and you know He is always with you, cause our faith is not in us , our strength, our wisdom, but it is in our God, you will go in that course with faith knowing you will make it . Our God didn’t give us the spirit of fear, so we are not like people who always see failure in everything, some are afraid to start even businesses because they have fear of failure, for something they have not even see.

Let us take away the element of fear