Referral Scripture: Luke 15
15 Dishonest
tax collectors and other notorious sinners often came to listen to Jesus’
sermons; 2 but this caused complaints from the
Jewish religious leaders and the experts on Jewish law because he was
associating with such despicable people—even eating with them! 3-4 So
Jesus used this illustration: “If you had a hundred sheep and one of them
strayed away and was lost in the wilderness, wouldn’t you leave the ninety-nine
others to go and search for the lost one until you found it? 5 And
then you would joyfully carry it home on your shoulders. 6 When
you arrived you would call together your friends and neighbours to rejoice with
you because your lost sheep was found.
Effectiveness of a believer is seen
by the lives of people you have changed , if there is no one who can testify
and I say I am who I am because of you, I’m saved because of you, that mean we haven’t
live an effective life.
ISAIAH 61 Prophetically tell us
about the Mission of Jesus our Lord on earth, to bring good news to the
suffering and afflicted, to comfort the brokenhearted, to announce liberty to
captives, and to open the eyes of the blind. Even now there is a lot of people
out there who are captives, bound by different oppressions and sins. There is a
lot of people going through hard times – as the church God has anointed us to
minister to those people, to speak to them, comfort them, influence them, once
their lives has been raise up they will also do the same to others.
In the book of Luke 15 Jesus is
speaking in parables, but what notable as from verse 1 when religious people
challenge Him, is His compassion towards the Lost. As a Church our Mission is
also reaching out to the Lost, to go out and make disciples.
The people we see
on the street committing all kind of sins are the people we sent to, we are
called to go to them and minister the Good news. In a road accident there is
usually 3 types of people, the first ones are those who take out their phones
to take pictures and tell others, the second ones are police officers who come
to Judge who is wrong , than the 3rd ones are those who don’t ask
any questions but just help – paramedics. Us as believers we not the first
ones, who watch the wrongs in people’s lives and share it gossiping with
others, we also not the 2nd ones who judge people, we don’t Judge,
but as believers we are the 3rd ones, who come with compassion and
set the captives free.
It not our mission to judge the
lives people live but to show compassion as we share the good news with them.
3 things we need to reach out to
the lost:
Compassion : To go around sharing the good news won’t be an
challenge if we have compassion about the Lost as Jesus had.
Effort : We will need to come out of our comfort Zone, it can go
upto an effort where we will need to use our finances to transport unbelievers
to a local church just for them to be in the presence of the Lord.
Persistent: Even if we find ourselves demoralised, because it can
happen as we share, invite the lost to Christ they can say things or words that
can demoralised us, in a way we can even feel we targeted wrong people, the
reality is there is no wrong person for God or Salvation. So we need to be Persistent
we are a called for it.
As we are saved today, it because
someone took a step, whether to share a Gospel or invite us to church. Now we
are saved, it doesn’t end there, SHARE THE GOOD NEWS, INVITE SOMEONE TO CHRIST