Preacher SG Khanyile

Scripture reference
Matthew 13:31-32(NKJV)
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
31 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, 32 which indeed is the least of all the seeds; but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.” 

The Man of God preached about the Kingdom of God which come as a seed when we receive Christ , when people look at it they see it as something worthless, meaningless because of it size. That what happens when we receive Jesus those around us they dont see any power in what we just received, in fact they even tell us or show us people who were once in the position we just took but now who have gone back to the system of the World. That shouldn't discourage us for we know that this seed we received can grow to become a big tree, bigger than the most known trees. 

The trick is for a seed to grow it has to be cared for and be provided with what it needs to grow, as believers we need to feed , take care of the seed that was imparted or planted into our spirit when we received Christ. Challenges we face when we receive Christ are also there to strengthen and grow us, being in Christ is a position, we need to ensure when we call on the name of the Lord we are in the correct Position which is in Christ not in a foreign land i.e the World.  

To know God while things are good doesn't contribute to our growth, to know Jesus while your family clap hands about your salvation doesn't contribute to our growth, to know Jesus while you have a job and others are opening left and right is doesn't contribute to our growth but to know him as the Lord , a provider though you dont have a job, to know him as the Lord while you have challenges, to hold on to the seed we received while those around us see it as a small seed is what will make us grow.
Why would we hold on? cause we belong to the Kingdom , belonging to the Kingdom mean , we know the power and potential of what we received. It like Cakes - when we buy them at the Stores Wow they taste so good. But it didn't just taste good it gone through a process, a lot has to be mixed like flour, ingredients e.t.c , those things when you eat them separately they don't taste good, but once they have gone through the oven I mean fire when they come out they taste so good. 

In our lives as believers there will be those things that are rough that dont taste good until we go through the oven , and being in the oven you don't decide when you wanna be out, the one who put you there decides, if God put you in an oven and set 3 years, we can pray and pray but the one who put you there knows what time He has set. God time is the best.
Once we out of the oven we wont just taste good but we will have grown from a seed into a big tree as Jesus said the Kingdom come as a seed, a small seed but growth is unlimited. Than indeed we can say EBENEZER looking at all the things we been through and Jesus remained the Lord of our Lives.